We're at the moment configuring our public profile as Nørlum and this takes a bit of back and forth.
The back and forth in the situation I'll explain about now is this: We wanted to streamline any information from us through our company website. This meant that this blog would go inactive and all future posts would be posted and read at the company blog. We've had some discussions about it and have decided to keep on blogging through blogspot. We'll have a newsfeed on our website referring to any activity on either of our blogs.
We'll create a blog for each project we find to have valuable thoughts to share within. I'll list the company blogs in the side of this blog should people wish to have a look.
This blog will remain my personal place to think out loud about animation and anything related. I just had a look at the stats for this blog and realized that people are actually stopping by still! It's been a long slumber, but as I stated in the post below, I am ready to take it up again and share my experiences and thoughts with those of you stopping by.
You, as a reader, have the opportunity to influence the discussions I hope to get going in here. Don't be shy to ask me to talk about a certain subject or issue, or critique or comment some of your work.
I hope to see you all keep stopping by. I am at the moment finishing up an application for our project DREAM. I'll hand that in this Thursday and then I'll launch this blog again with an interesting post. The subject must for now remain super confidential.
Best of thoughts and thank you for reading.